Campylobacter infection
Campylobacter jejuni is the commonest species found in poultry. These are delicate organisms that may not survive outside the host unless protected by organic material, bio film or engulfed by protozoa. Campylobacter is responsible for enteritis in humans. Infected poultry are a potential reservoir of this zoonosis. Campylobacter jejuni infection is not curr ently c onsider ed to b e pa thogenic in poultr y though a Campylobacter-like organism is considered to be the cause of vibrionic hepatitis.
In principle, housed poultry can be maintained free of Campylobacter infection by consistent follow up of biosecurity. Many infections are introduced during slack season or during depopulation. Insects and rodents may act as a source of the infection from the general environment into the poultry buildings that needs to be controlled.