
Campaign for healthy populations presentation

Assignment Instructions:

Campaign for Healthy Populations Presentation

Create a presentation with voice-over for hypothetical stakeholders in your community concerning a change for your target population.

Your presentation, with voice-over, should include the following:

  • Articulate a need for change for a particular population group within your community.
  • Discuss how Lewin's Change Management Model can guide community and system-level strategies in health promotion and prevention concerning the population's health problem.
  • Provide one proposed system-level strategy for the specific population would like to see occur. How might the desired change be evaluated for effectiveness?
  • Provide two examples of how the proposed system-level change is sociocultural and linguistically responsive and promotes equality.
  • Describe how you and your fellow nurses can improve on becoming more self-aware of personal biases in relationship to culture and environment.
  • How does Walden's central focus on social change influence your nursing views and professional values concerning a population health approach in healthcare?
  • Explain how the concepts explored and insights gained from this course will impact your future goals and development as a nurse leader of social change?
  • Identify three shareholders who would appreciate learning from this presentation. Include their name, title, and position within your community. Looking for Assignment Help?
  • Be sure to include your voice-over notes pages.

Submission Length: 8-10 slide PowerPoint presentation

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Reference No:- TGS03451739

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