Call Number
Call number is the notational symbol given to a document to individualise and identify it. It consists of the classification number and the author number. Some times a call number may include the collection number and very often the work number.
Class number is given according to the scheme of classification followed in the particular library. Author number is generally based on Cutter's Author Tables. For the collection numbers and work numbers symbols are used according to certain set rules by the library. These aspects of the call numbers are discussed. A catalogue entry in a library catalogue can not serve its purposes unless the call number of the document is provided in the entry. After looking into the catalogue, once the user feels like consulting a document or borrowing it the user can pick up the document from the shelf only by means of this identification number; namely, the call number. Call number thus completes the purpose for which the catalogue entry is given.
In a catalogue entry, the call number can be given either at the upper left corner of the entry or at the lower most position of the entry immediately after the-entry details at the right corner.