
Call a function createarray to create an array of 80 random

There is just one program for this assignment. In function main declare three arrays of 80 integers each (the original array, the sorted array, and the array of negatives).

Do not use a symbolic constant for the size of the array, but instead declare a variable to be used to pass the number of values to the various functions. Also seed the random number generator with time in function main.

In doing this assignment write a function and test it before going on to the next function. Do not write the entire program with all functions and then try to run it for the first time.

a. Call a function createArray to create an array of 80 random integers in the range 1 to 750. In building the array, if the number is evenly divisible by 5 or 7 or 11, store it as a negative number. Function parameters are the array and the number of values. This function does not return any values pass by value.

b. Call a function printArray to print the array, ten values per line. The function should be written with two parameters: the array and the number of values in the array. This function should have only one loop to print the values in one array. It will be called several times in the program to print various arrays, but will not have different loops to print different arrays; there should be only one loop, adaptable to any array.

c. Back in function main prompt the user to enter a value to be searched for in the array. Call a function sequentialSearch to do a sequential (linear) search to determine if the value entered is in the array. Function parameters are the array, the number of values in the array, and the value to be searched for. In main, print whether the value is in the array or not and its location in the original array.

You may use the algorithm found in classwork or the method in the text or you may devise a different method. In main, print whether the value is in the array or not and its location (if found) in the original array. (You must use a function for the search. Do not simply determine by inspection.)

d. Call a function bubbleSort to copy the original array into a new array and then to sort the second array in ascending order. Both arrays should be in the function parameter list, as well as the number of values in the array.

Use the bubble sort algorithm found under Sample Programs in Files for sorting. The nested loop used for the sort may be inserted entirely in this function. From function main call the function printArray to print the sorted array. Do not print in the bubbleSort function.

e. Call a function ReverseOrder to reverse the order of elements in the original array. This function receives the original 1-dimensional integer array, an output 1-dimensional integer array, and the number of array elements. (The output array should already have been declared in function main with 80 elements.)

This function has no return value. This function will assign to the second integer array the elements from the original array, but in reverse order.

For instance - the first element in the input array will be put into the last element of the output array, the second element in the input array will be put into the second to last element of the output array, etc. From function main call the printArray function to print the reverse order array.

f. call a function binarySearch to search for a value in the sorted array. The binarySearch algorithm may be found in Canvas under Files. In main, print whether the value is in the array and its location in the sorted array.

g. Call a function negatives to copy all of the negative values in the original array to a new array and to count the number of negative values. The function should have the original array, the number of values in the original array and the negative array as parameters. (The array negatives should have been already declared in function main with 80 elements.) It should return the number of negative values. Print the number of negative values in function main. Call the function printArray to print the array of negative numbers.

Hint: The counter used to count the number of positive values can become the negative array subscript.

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JAVA Programming: Call a function createarray to create an array of 80 random
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