
Calixta displayed no remorse over her adulterous act

Topic: Essay


Flexible submission dates: Oct. 19-21; please note that midterm can be submitted prior to these dates.

Submission: Submit midterm as ONE attached Word doc through Blackboard. Follow directions for submission found in syllabus (beneath Assignment Policies). No late midterms accepted.

For the midterm exam, students will respond to FOUR questions. The first three questions are short responses; the fourth question will be answered in essay format.

Format of exam: Create one Word document; type your name, the class, and the date in the upper left hand corner; copy and paste each exam question, then follow with your response; responses can be either single-spaced or double-spaced; use Times New Roman and print size 12.

• For each question, textual support should be integrated (i.e. direct quotes and paraphrases from the literature). Direct quotes should be placed in quotation marks. Please document all quotes and paraphrases following MLA.

See the following examples for short stories and poetry.

For short stories:

Calixta displayed no remorse over her adulterous act as she “lifted her pretty chin in the air and laughed aloud” (111).

Alcee, a striking figure as compared to Bobinot, mocks Calixta’s husband’s lack of intelligence: “Let us hope, Calixta, that Bobinot’s got sense enough to come in out of the cyclone” (109).

Notes:These are two ways to integrate quotes. The first example demonstrates how a direct quote is integrated as part of the sentence. The second example illustrates a quote that occurs after a full-sentence point is made.

Punctuate correctly with the period occurring after the parentheses. There is no need to type “page,” “p.” or “pg.” If opting to use paragraph numbers, the correct abbreviation is (par. 6).

For poetry:

When citing more than one line of poetry, indicate line breaks with the forward slash symbol (see example below). Your citation will be documented by including the stanza and line number(s) where quote occurs. (Stanzas are groups of lines..your text should indicate line numbers for you). Follow the example below paying special attention to punctuation.

Example of how to cite lines of poetry: (this is a made-up example for purposes of this example)

The poem opens with the speaker immediately showing her perceived oppression from her father: “You do not do, you do not do / any more black shoe / in which I have lived like a foot” (1. 1-3).

NOTE: Here the signal phrase is clear–the writer makes the point that the speaker feels oppressed by her father. A colon is often used to indicate an ensuing quote. Then, the writer provides a direct quote (use quotation marks) to support his/her assertion. Here, the speaker likens her father to a black shoe and she is the foot. Note the forward slash used to indicate line breaks (where a line of poetry ends and a new line begins). In parentheses, place the stanza and line number, separating the two by a period. In this example, 1 indicates stanza 1 and 1-3 indicates lines 1 through 3. The period occurs outside the parentheses. If your selected poem is just one stanza, you need only cite the line number(s).

• Proofread your responses carefully.

• Attempt to adhere to the length of responses given for each question. Only go over the maximum length if absolutely necessary.

Midterm Exam Questions: Format/Short response (20 points each):

1. Discuss how Mrs. Mallard’s OR Calixta’s behavior in “The Story of an Hour” and “The Storm” directly contradicted the roles/norms established for women during the 19th century. This response should be 1-2 paragraphs.

2. Select two examples of music from “Sonny’s Blues” and analyze how this music functions within the story (some examples include the street revival, the whistling boy, the jukebox scene, and, of course, the final scene..) For example, does the music communicate emotions? Enhance the tension of a particular scene? Provide solace? Provide a means of survival? Unite characters?

This response should be two paragraphs.

3. In an interview, T.C. Boyle, author of “Greasy Lake” has said that the narrator wants to cry at the end of the story “because something has been revealed to him about the nature of life.” Discuss what you feel has been revealed to the narrator.

This response should be 1-2 paragraphs.

4. Essay Question: (40 points): Select one poem that was explored in our discussion boards. Discuss two to three literary elements of the poem, closing with a discussion of theme (two elements is the minimum). In other words, writers will discuss how these literary devices function within the poem to enrich meaning. The terms to be discussed will be dictated by the poem (for example, not every poet uses the same technique, so your choice of terms will be determined by what poem you choose). Some possibilities of literary devices to be discussed: tone of voice of speaker (which gives the poem its overall “feel” or “mood”–this tone can shift and change as the poem unfolds–think in terms of adjectives to describe shifting tones); sensory imagery; any usage of figurative language (i.e similes, metaphors, symbolism–these can be used to enhance imagery!); sound devices, choice of diction to create a voice/dialect, irony, etc. Integrate direct textual support from poem, following the MLA formatting explained on p. 1 of this assignment criteria sheet. Proofread your response carefully.

Some ideas for inspiration: Discuss the similes and metaphors (their relevance, effect, intention) within “First Love.” Close with a discussion of theme/message of poem.

– Discuss the metaphors and shifting tone of voice within the poem for “How Does a Man Write a Poem.” Close with a discussion of theme.

– For “Mother to Son,” discuss the dialect created for the speaker of the poem through the poet’s selected diction as well as the various figurative language within the poem (i.e. the metaphor of the crystal staircase; the symbolism of the tacks, splinters, etc.) Close with a discussion of theme.

– For “Facing It,” discuss either the similes or metaphors (or both) of the poem as well as the dual meaning of the poem’s title. Close with a discussion of theme.

This response should be 4-5 paragraphs. A suggested organization: A short Intro paragraph with thesis; two body paragraphs discussing each literary element (those students who opt to discuss three elements would then have three body paragraphs); a closing paragraph reiterating thesis and discussing theme(s).

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Reference No:- TGS01436996

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