
Calculating the co emission rate from the stove

Question 1: Consider the dangers of using a camp stove inside an enclosed space like a tent. Test data show that a high heat liquid fuel camp stove can dramatically increase CO mixing ratios. For one brand of stove, CO increased to 130 ppmv in 15 minutes. The tent volume was 0.59 m3 tent and the air exchange rate was 2 hr-1 with tent zipped up. The initial and outside air CO mixing ratio was 0.1 ppmv. Use P = 0.8 atmospheres, and an air temperature of 5 °C.

a) Calculate the CO emission rate from the stove.
b) After it reached 130 ppmv the stove was turned off. Calculate the CO mixing ratio 10 minutes later.
Question 2: The town of Smog, Idaho is located in a river valley and has a footprint of 6 km x 2 km. It has an average daily emission rate of 1000 kg/day of PM2.5  into the atmosphere from wood burning stoves. The background concentration of PM2.5 is 0.5 µg/m3. During a cold winter day in Smog, the mixing height is only 50-m and the average wind speed is 2 m/s entering perpendicular to 2 km dimension. Assume no depositional loss for PM2.5.

a) What is the steady state concentration of PM2.5 in this air shed?  
b) Does this meet the NAAQS standard?  
Question 3: A stack emitting 85 g/s of NO has an effective stack height of 100 m. The wind speed is 3 m/s at 10 m, and it is a cloudy summer day. Estimate ground level NO concentration:

a) Directly downwind at a distance of 3 km.    
b) At the point downwind where NO is a maximum.   
c) At a point located 2 km downwind and 0.1 km off the downwind axis.
Question 4: The Centralia power plant emits SO2 at the rate of 150 g/s. It has an effective stack height of 50 m. Surface winds at 10 m are steady at 2.5 m/s and it is a fall afternoon.

a) Calculate the ground level SO2 concentration in ug/m3 at a point 4 km downwind and 0.1 km in the cross wind direction.

b) What is the maximum downwind concentration and at what distance does this occur?

c) There is a town with an SO2 monitor 20 km downwind of the power plant. How large can Q in g/s be if SO2 concentrations are to be kept below 365 ug/m3 for the conditions listed

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Other Engineering: Calculating the co emission rate from the stove
Reference No:- TGS01431

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