Q1. A Guest needs material to finish a room in a basement. The room is square and one wall measures 15'. The height of the room is 8'. There is one door that measures 3' wide and 7' high, and two windows that measure 3' wide and 4' high.
The Guest is covering the walls with 1x6 carsiding (we will say that it covers 5" wide). How many 16' pieces will it take to cover the walls minus the openings?
- 66-16' pieces
- 72-16' pieces
- 85-16' pieces
- 40-16' pieces
Q2. A Guest needs material to finish a room in a basement. The room is square and one wall measures 15'. The height of the room is 8'. There is one door that measures 3' wide and 7' high, and two windows that measure 3' wide and 4' high.
How many feet of base molding will this Guest need (figure through the door)?
Q3. Guest needs material to finish a room in a basement. The room is square and one wall measures 15'. The height of the room is 8'. There is one door that measures 3' wide and 7' high, and two windows that measure 3' wide and 4' high.
The Guest's walls are framed with 2x4's. How many square feet of R-13 roll fiberglass insulation should the Guest buy if he/she wanted to insulate all four walls?
- 360 square feet
- 540 square feet
- 435 square feet
- 240 square feet
Q4. A Guest needs material to finish a room in a basement. The room is square and one wall measures 15'. The height of the room is 8'. There is one door that measures 3' wide and 7' high, and two windows that measure 3' wide and 4' high.
How many square feet of carpeting would the Guest need?
- 120 square feet
- 225 square feet
- 275 square feet
- 360 square feet
Q5. A Guest wants to re-seal a blacktop driveway. The driveway measures 24' wide and 70' long.
If one gallon of driveway sealer covers 125 square feet, how many five-gallon pails will the Guest need to seal the driveway?
- 2 pails
- 4 pails
- 1 pail
- 3 pails
Q6. After studying the landscape wall, the Guest also wondered what it would cost to put holland pavers down for the driveway. The pavers the Guest would like measure 3"x7". How many would he/she need?
- 15,450 pavers
- 11,520 pavers
- 10,230 pavers
- 13,540 pavers
Q7. The Guest will also need sand to go under the pavers. The Guest wants it to be 4" thick. How much sand is going to be needed to fill the driveway?
- 360 cubic feet
- 480 cubic feet
- 560 cubic feet
- 640 cubic feet
Q8. How many 1/2 cubic foot bags of sand would be needed if the Guest wanted to buy bags?
- 720 bags
- 1280 bags
- 1120 bags
- 960 bags
Q9. The Guest should also have a 6" pea gravel base below the sand. How much pea gravel is needed?
- 640 cubic feet
- 840 cubic feet
- 960 cubic feet
- 1000 cubic feet
Q10. How many 1/2 cubic foot bags will be needed?
- 1280 bags
- 1680 bags
- 1920 bags
- 2000 bags