Part -1:
A. Calculate the expected voltage and current in the branches of sample electric circuits.
B. Estimate the error propagation using resistor nominal values and associated tolerances.
C. Verify the accuracy of the predicted branch voltage and current values using instrumentation.

2. Construct this circuit on an Elvis II board.
a. Turn on Elvis board
b. Turn on Prototyping board
c. Open the NI-Elvis Instrument Launcher
d. Launch the DMM
e. Arrange instruments on the computer screen to your personal preference
f. Set DMM to measure in DC Volts and Current
g. Build Circuit 1.
i. NOTE: While building your circuit, turn off the Prototyping Board Power switch to avoid damaging components and electrical shock. You can turn it back on when you will begin measuring current and voltage. Avoid touching connected lead wires while the board is on. If you need to rearrange your circuit, turn off the switch again.
3. Measure the voltage and current across each resistor and record these values in a table in Microsoft Excel as well as your lab notebook.
4. Construct Circuit 1 using MULTISIM. Determine the current and voltage for each resistor using the software. (TAKE SCREENSHOTS OF BUILT CIRCUITS)
5. Compare the MULTISIM values to the experimental values obtained from the breadboard.
a. Explain the differences between theoretical and experimental voltage and current values. What is the percent error between these values?
Part 2
6. Circuit 2, shown in Figure 2, shows a circuit diagram.

7. Repeat steps 2-5 for circuit 2.
a. Make sure to calculate percent errors between the experimental values and the exact values output by MULTISIM. Again, make sure to screenshot your circuit diagram constructed in MULTISIM.
Part 3
8. Circuit 3, shown in Figure 3, shows a circuit diagram.

9. Substitute the theoretical resistance values for the resistors to be used in the experiment. The resistors you will use are as follows:
R1 = 220 Ω
R2 = 150 Ω
R3 = 270 Ω
R4 = 100 Ω
R5 = 330 Ω
R6 = 47 Ω
R7 = 390 Ω
10. Repeat steps 2-5 for Circuit 3.
a. Make sure to calculate percent errors between the experimental values and the exact values output by MULTISIM. Again, make sure to screenshot your circuit diagram constructed in MULTISIM.
11. Give a definition for error propagation and explain how it applies to circuit analysis.
12. Formulate a way to estimate the uncertainty of the drop in power across resistor three (R3) in Circuit 3 using the nominal and tolerance values for each resistor. The uncertainty for the voltage source can be treated as ±0.05V for this calculation.
a. Provide a detailed explanation for how the error propagation was derived along with the final values, uncertainties, and tolerances for each resistor. Information and steps for this process can be found in the textbook.
b. Does the value fall within the uncertainty range? Explain.