
Calculate yearly energy footprint from domestic water use

Problem: In line with quantifying your personal carbon footprint, the goal of this question is to quantify your personal footprint from your consumption of water.

(i) From an online water footprint calculator, such as the one offered by watercalculator (site), applied to Indoor and Outdoor Water Use only (not Virtual), estimate your average daily and yearly water consumption in Liters (use the total water footprint provided).

(ii) Assuming an energy rating of 1 Wh / L of water, calculate your yearly energy footprint from domestic water use.

(iii) Assuming all energy is provided from your regional power grid, compute your estimated GHG emissions footprint (Note: use the power grid emission factor from Homework 6).

(iv) Explain three ways you could reduce your personal water consumption and calculate the associated energy and emissions savings.

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Science: Calculate yearly energy footprint from domestic water use
Reference No:- TGS03419548

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