1. Calculate the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) for Qantas.
2. For the year ended June 2016 Qantas paid more than $500m to buy back shares. Explain possible reasons for Qantas to follow such a course of action?
source 1.
- Record underlying profit before tax: $1.53 billion, up 57%
- Record statutory profit before tax: $1.42 billion, up 80%
- Record results for Qantas Domestic, Qantas International, Jetstar Group, Qantas Loyalty
- Near-doubling of earnings per share: 49c, up 24c
- Return on invested capital: 23%, up 6.5 points
- Operating cash flow: $2.8 billion, up 38%
- Net free cash flow: $1.7 billion
- $500m shareholder return: fully-franked 7c per share ordinary dividend and on market share buy-back
- Additional cash bonus totalling $75 million for 25,000 non-executive employees
- Continued investment in aircraft cabins and wi-fi
source 2
source 3.
Reference style. harvard (3 reference)