
Calculate the wavelength in m for maximum blackbody

Problem 1: Calculate the wavelength (?) in ?m for maximum blackbody hemispherical spectral emissive power (E,b) at T = 750, 1500, 3000, and 5777 K.

Problem 2: Calculate the temperature of a blackbody if its maximum hemispherical spectral emissive power (E,b) corresponds to ? = 0.1, 1, 5, and 10 m.

Problem 3: Calculate the blackbody hemispherical spectral intensity (I,b) for a blackbody at T = 5780 K at 2 m.

Problem 4: Calculate the blackbody hemispherical spectral emissive power (E,b) and the blackbody spectral intensity (I,b) for T = 1000 K and ?= 20 m.

Problem 5: Calculate the wavelength of maximum emission from a blackbody at room temperature (assume 22 °C).

Problem 6: Calculate the temperature of a blackbody that radiates its maximum hemispherical spectral emissive power at the center of the visible spectrum (0.4-0.7 m).

Problem 7: Calculate the blackbody hemispherical total intensity (I,b) at T = 1000 and 5780 K.

Problem 8: Calculate the surface temperature of a blackbody radiating with a hemispherical total emissive power, Eb = 10 kW/m2.

Problem 9: Calculate the hemispherical total emissive power outside the atmosphere of Mercury. Assume the radius of the sun is 6.9599×108 m; the distance between the sun and Mercury is 6.98 × 1010 m; and the surface temperature of the sun is 5780 K.

Problem 10: The surface of a distant star has an effective blackbody temperature of 3500 K. What percentage of the radiant emission of the sun lies in the visible range (0.4-0.7 ?m)? What percentage is in the ultraviolet (0.2-0.4 m)? What percentage is in the infrared?

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Mechanical Engineering: Calculate the wavelength in m for maximum blackbody
Reference No:- TGS0966390

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