Calculate the units completed and transferred out

Assignment task: Jane Industries manufactures plastic toys. During October, Jane's Fabrication Department started work on 10,200 models. During the month, the company completed 11,200 models, and transferred them to the Distribution Department. The company ended the month with 2500 models in ending inventory. There were 3500 models in beginning inventory. All direct materials costs are added at the beginning of the production cycle and conversion costs are added uniformly throughout the production process. The average method of process costing is being followed. Beginning work in process was 30% as to conversion costs, while ending work in process was 55% as to conversion costs.

Beginning inventory:

      Direct materials costs            $20,200

      Conversion costs                   $11,700

Manufacturing costs added during the accounting period:

      Direct materials costs            $70,600

      Conversion costs                  $240,600

Compute the following:

1. Units completed and transferred out.

2. Total cost to account for.

3. Equivalent units with respect to direct materials and conversion costs.

4. Cost per direct materials equivalent units and cost per conversion cost equivalent units.

5. Total cost assigned to units completed and transferred out.

6. Total cost assigned to units in ending inventory.

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Accounting Basics: Calculate the units completed and transferred out
Reference No:- TGS03426915

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