
Calculate the transistor output impedance - we will also

Question 1:

The following sketch shows a representative Ic vs. VCE curve for two 18 values. Note that in the linear region, the curves look like a current source in parallel with an output impedance. We will use ro = (dIC/dVCE)-1 to calculate the transistor output impedance. We will also calculate a different parameter called the Early voltage. That is the projected intercept point where the extension of the straight-line portion of the Ic vs. VCE curve intellects the zero current axis with a straight-line extension to the horizontal axis at the Early voltage, expressed as a negative value.


The expression for the straight line curve is given as IC = IseVBE/VT ( 1 + VCE/VA). If you know IC and VCE at two different points on a curve with VBE fixed (or IB fixed), you can calculate VA.

Derive an expression for VA, given measurements of IC and VCE at two points on a constant IB (constant VBE) curve. Express VA in terms of the four measured values for IC1, IC2, VCE1, VCE2

Question 2:

Effects of pole-zero near-cancellations

(a) Sketch the step response of a system whose transfer function has no (finite) zeros, poles at s = -1 ± j1, and a DC gain of one.

(b) Suppose, in addition there are a zero and a pole close to each other and close to s = -3. The DC gain remains 1. What effect will this change make to the response?

(c) Repeat part (b) only now the pole-zero pair are near s = 3.

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Electrical Engineering: Calculate the transistor output impedance - we will also
Reference No:- TGS02469979

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