
Calculate the temperature and velocity of the gas

In an oil refinery methane gas (CH4) enters a compressor at a steady rate of 0.9 kg/s and at a pressure 2 bar, temperature of 60deg C and a velocity of 60 m/s. At exit from the compressor, the methane enters an insulated vertical pipe 25 mm in diameter. At a point in the pipe 10 m above the inlet, the pressure is measured and found to be 12.5 bar.

If the shaft work input to the compressor is 75 kW and the heat loss from the compressor casing is 6 kW, calculate the temperature and velocity of the gas at the measuring point in the pipe. Assume perfect gas behaviour throughout. (For methane take Cp= 2.254 kJ/kgK and R=O.518 kJ/kgK)

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Mechanical Engineering: Calculate the temperature and velocity of the gas
Reference No:- TGS0734155

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