Discuss the below in detail:
Q: A very long rod of 5-mm diameter and uniform thermal conductivity k = 25 W/m. K is subjected to a heat treatment process. The center, 30-mm-Iong portion of the rod within the induction heating coil experiences uniform volumetric heat generation of7.5 X 106 W/m3.
The unheated portions 0f e rod, which protrude from the heating coil on either side, experience convection with the ambient air at Tx = 20°C and h = 10 W/m2 · K. Assume that there is no convection from the surface of the rod within the coil.
(a) Calculate the steady-state temperature To of the rod at the midpoint of the heated portion in the coil.
(b) Calculate the temperature of the rod Tb at the edge of the heated portion.