Question 1: Now we will solve for the steady state in a calibration of the US economy in 2000. In this problem, you will assume that the rate of growth of the work force is n = 0.017 and there is no exogenous technological progress. The aggregate production function for the
US economy in 2000 is Y = (11.5)K1/3 L2/3 . The units are billions of 1996 dollars. A plausible value for the depreciation of the capital stock is δ = 0.036, and a good value for the national savings rate is σ = 0.16.
Question 2: Use the formula r =f'(k) to calculate the steady-state rentals rate. Explain why the real interest rate is r-n-δ. (Hint: if you give up a unit of consumption, you can buy a unit of capital. That capital will yield f’(k) units of output next year, but a fraction δ is used up in production and another fraction n is needed for new workers.)
Question 3: Is the US economy saving at the golden rule? What is the golden rule savings rate for our economy?