
Calculate the steady state for non-homogeneous ode

Solve the following problem:

Find the steady-state solution for the differential equation

 (dI/dt)+12I= 65cos(5t-30°)+ 45sin(9t +30°)

1. I(t) = 5 cost(t — 52.62° ) + 3 sin(t — 6.87° )

2. I(t) = 5 cos(5t — 52.62°) + 3sin(9t — 6.87° )

3. I(t) = 5 cos(5t + 52.62°) + 3 sin(9t + 6.87° )

4. I(t) = 5 cos(5t — 52.62°) — 3 cos(9t — 6.87° )

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Engineering Mathematics: Calculate the steady state for non-homogeneous ode
Reference No:- TGS01941738

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