
Calculate the steady-state dc


1. Placing components, editing circuits. Generic/from library.
2. Signal sources. Sine, pulse.
3. Analysis - Time and frequency domain. Setting ranges.
4 Result output. Exporting images to Word.
5. Odds. Slide resistor. Stepping.

Class Exercises

1. RC LPF (charging circuit, t domain. Fixed source, pulse)
2. RC LPF (f domain)
3. FW bridge power supply (t domain)
4. OpAmp circuits - f and t. Operating point.


For each circuit and its analysis there should be graphs shown (in Word) and conclusions drawn about the circuit operation (c.f laboratory write-up).

1. Draw a circuit of a DC power supply having a 20 V (10 V + 10 V) centre-tapped transformer secondary and using a full-wave rectifier. Each secondary winding has a resistance of 0.5 , the smoothing capacitor is 4700 F and the load is 15. Use 1N4001 diodes.
(a) From the output voltage variation during turn-on calculate the turn-on time constant.
(b) Calculate the steady-state DC (average) output voltage and the peak to peak output ripple voltage. Include graphs.

2. A resonant circuit comprising a 1 mH inductor, a 100 nF capacitor and a 10 k resistor, all connected in parallel, is driven from asource having a 100 k resistance.

(a) Measure the centre (resonant) frequency of the circuit and its voltage gain (in dB and as a ratio) at this frequency.
(b) Describe the circuit's response to a 4 Vpp sinusoid. Measure its time constant.
(c) Describe the circuit's response to a 100 Hz, 10 Vpp square wave centred on 0 V.

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Science: Calculate the steady-state dc
Reference No:- TGS0550567

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