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Oracle Corporation is one of the largest software companies in the world, RANKED # 81 in the Fortune 500 list. The corporation is based on client/server technology as a tool for managing database. Oracle became one of the US companies with a higher growth with millions of dollars in revenue. The Corporation stock is traded market in the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) marketand it is represented with the symbol NYSE: ORCL.
Oracle most recent financial information and statements can be find in the following link and pages number: 2015 SEC 10k:
Income Statement: 87
Balance Sheet: 86
Statement of Stockholders Equity: 89
Statement of Cash Flows: 90
Income Statement
Revenue and Income
Oracle's 2015 revenue was $38, 226. Compare to 2014, the net income has fallen by 9.28%.
Insert APA formatted citation following this and subsequent written text.
Category: Irregular Items
No such irregular items were reported in the income statement.
Category: Analysis
Oracle reported a decrease in revenues for 2015. The following horizontal income statement shows an increase of the COGS and Interest expenses for 2015, neting a a lower profit $9,928.00 compare to 2104 profit of $ 10, 955.00
Horizontal Income Statement analysis
Cost of goods sold
Gross margin
Interest Expense
Non Operating Income
Provision for Income Taxes
Net profit
Balance Sheet
Category: Stock market
Explain how investors use these indices to make more informed investing decisions:
a. Dow Jones Industrial Average (DOW)
b. NASDAQ Composite Index (NASDAQ)
c. Standard & Poor's (S&P) 500
Category: Current Assets and Liabilities
Oracle Balance sheet at the end of May 31, 2015 reported other assets classified as non-current assets for the amount of $47,720
Statement of Stockholders' Equity
Category: Capital Stock
Describe the following details about your corporation's common stock: comments
a. Authorized number of shares: 11,000 Shares
b. Par or stated value per share: 0.1 par value and additional paid in capital
c. Issued number of shares: 70
d. Outstanding number of shares: 4,343 shares 2
e. Treasury stock: 0
Category: Analysis
Calculate the following ratios for the most recent two years and comment on the results of your ratio analysis. How do the results for your company compare to industry averages?
Statement of Cash Flows
Category: Operating Activities
The largest increased on the operating activities is showed on the deferred revenues as well as a larger decrease on the deferred income taxes compare to 2014.
Category: Investing and Financing Activities
Describe investments reported on your corporation's Statement of Cash Flows in the current and most recent past year.
Review your corporation's Statement of Cash Flows over the past 3 years and explain any financing trends.