
Calculate the splitting pattern you would observe

1. Determine how many peaks would be observed in the C-13 NMR of Nonane.

a. 4

b. 5

c. 6

d. 7

e. 8

f. 9

2. Calculate the splitting pattern you would observe for the protons at the carbon #4 of 2,3-dimethyl-2cyclopropyl butane.

a. singlet

b. quartet

c. doublet

d. triplet

e. quintet

f. septet

g. octet

3. An oxygen-containing compound which shows no IR peaks at1630-1780 or at 3200-3550 cm-1 is likely to be what type of compound.

a. An aldehyde

b. A ketone

c.  An Ether

d. A Carboxylic acid

e. An alcohol


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Chemistry: Calculate the splitting pattern you would observe
Reference No:- TGS0867122

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