Calculate the slack for each activity.
Flow long will it take to complete the project?
Given the information in the following table, draw the AOA network. Using the same information, enter the data into MSP assuming a 7-day workweek. (To change the calendar in MSP from its 5-day week default, click "Help," type "calendar change," and fol¬low directions.) DeNielop the appropriate AON net¬work and Gantt chart. Using any method you wish, fmd the critical path and critical time for the network. Then find the slack for all activities.
Activity Predecessor Duration
a - .5 days
b - 7.
c - 4
d a 6
e b. 9
f b 6
g c 4
h d,e 6
i d,e 8
j f,g,h 9
k i 10
l j 9