Calculate the sharpe ratio


You have been given the following return information for two mutual funds (Papa and Mama), the market index, and the risk-free rate. Year Papa Fund Mama Fund Market Risk-Free 2008 -12.6% -22.6 -24.5% 1% 2009 25.4 18.5 19.5 3 2010 8.5 9.2 9.4 2 2011 15.5 8.5 7.6 4 2012 2.6 -1.2 -2.2 2


Calculate the Sharpe ratio, Treynor ratio, Jensen's alpha, information ratio, and R-squared for both funds and determine which is the best choice for your portfolio.

Note: Show supporting computations in good form.

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Accounting Basics: Calculate the sharpe ratio
Reference No:- TGS0886650

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