• A power plant is feeding a house located over 1000feet away.
• The house demands 100Amps current at 480V.
• The plant generates 100Amp at 480V.

• Assume: (a) a DC system, and (b) an AC system with the AC system employing a transformer rated 480/4800V near
For both the DC and AC Systems, Evaluate:
1. For the 100 amps demand, calculate the sending and receiving end voltages, power flows and transmission losses.
2. Increase, the demand to 1000 amps and recalculate the values in 1 above. Assume that 1000 amps capacity line has 0.015 ohm resistance.
3. For 2 above, consider replacing the transformer with 480/48,000 V transformer and recalculate the values.