Calculate the Reynolds number, the Nusselt number, the convective heat transfer coecient (h), and the total heat transfer (Q_dot) for the following:
a) 1g/s of water owing through a 2mm-diameter circular tube, 2cm long, with wall heat flux q'' = 100 W/cm2 and inlet temperature of Ti = 20C.
b)1 g/s of water owing through a 2cm-diameter circular tube, 20cm long, with wall heat flux q'' = 100 W/cm2 and inlet temperature of Ti = 20C. (Does it boil? If it boils, just indicate that it will boil, and calculate the requested parameters for the liquid at or near the inlet.)
c) 2 m^3/s of air owes through a 50m-long, 1m-diameter duct, entering at Ti = 180C. The duct wall is effectively isothermal at Tw = 25C.