
Calculate the response rate


Data can be reported in a number of ways. We report data using graphs, storyboards, tables, and even reports. However, before reporting data, we have to take the raw data that we have and make sense of it. This is where data turns into information. Without making sense of the data, reporting it would be useless.

You are taking raw data and turning it into useful information. Here is what you need to know.

You are working with the results of patient satisfaction surveys.

For each question, the hospital has a goal of 80% for the highest measure of each question. This means, they are looking for the first answer of each question to have a response rate of 80%.

To calculate the response rate, first you need to add up the number of responses for each question. Next, you will divide the number of responses for each answer by the total number of responses for the question and then multiply by 100. For example, if the first question has a total number of responses of 300 and the first answer has a total number of 100 responses, my equation would look like this: 100/300=0.3333, 0.3333x100= 33.33%

After you have completed the calculations, you will need to create a 1 page summary to summarize the the results for Senior Management.

Be sure to identify which outcomes did not meet the 80% goal. You may find it helpful to perform an Internet search for examples using the phrase, "healthcare report cards". The results can be in the form a Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel document.

Be sure your calculations are in the form of a report. Research hospital report cards to see what it would look like.

Make sure all outcomes are included in the report.

Be sure to identify which outcomes did not meet 80% goal.

Your healthcare facility has incorporated a new survey. The intent of the survey is to measure patient satisfaction. The healthcare facility has a goal of 80% patient satisfaction based on the highest measure for each question.

Question # Question Responses Total # of Response
1 How would you rate your overall visit    
    Excellent 150
    Very Good 47
    Average 16
    Not so good 0
2 When your appointment was over did you have a good understanding of your health    
    Yes 145
    Not really 26
    I wish I knew more 42
    Not so good 0
3 Where your financial options explained to you    
    Yes 118
    No 41
    I already understood my financial options 54
4 Did you have to wait past your appointment time to be seen by the physician..If so, how long    
    no 180
    1-14 minutes 20
    15-30 minutes 8
    30-45 minutes 3
    over 45 minutes 2
5 Did the staff greet you properly    
    yes 180
    no 15
    I don't recall 18
6 Would you refer  you friends and family to us    
    yes 155
    no 35
    not sure 23

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Other Subject: Calculate the response rate
Reference No:- TGS01945773

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