
Calculate the required power input to the compressor

1. A compressor has a piston diameter of 500 mm and a stroke length of 600 mm. If the clearance volume is 001 m2. the inlet pressure is 100 kN m-2, the delivery pressure is 500 kN m-2 and the index of compression is 13.calculate:

(a) The volumetne efficiency of the compasor

(b) If the pressure ratio is doubled. what will the new cleanse volume need to be Monk/ that the vol • ric efficiency is not reduced?

2. Compressed air at a pressure of 10 bar is used at the rote of 02 ms min-P. If the air is compressed from a pressure of I his and temperature of 2220 at an index of compression of 116. calculate:

61 the required power input to the compressor

OW the bothermal efficiency of the polytropic compression the temperature of the air after the pol)tropic compression.

3. Air is to be compressed from a pressure of I bar and a temperature of 20°C to a pressure of 15 bar in a two stage compressor with iniercooling. After intercooling the S temperature mums to 20'C and the polytropic index of compression 6118. If the input post per stage of compression is 2 kW, cakulate:

(a) The volumetric flow rate of free air (at 1 bar and 20°C) in ntis-2.

(b) The power required if the same compression was canard out in one stage isothermally.

(c) Represent the isothermal and twee stage compressions on a p-V diagram, indicating the work done for each process.

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Other Subject: Calculate the required power input to the compressor
Reference No:- TGS0687276

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