Calculate the price of a company using the dividend

Calculate the price of a company using the Dividend Discount Model, the Free Cash Flow model, and the Ratio comparison.

The company you will study is Intel, only now you will use the 2014 financial statement, which is in the Intel website. As return on the market, use the average of the SP500 return between the years 2009 and 2014, which you obtain from the SP500 factsheet in the Standard and Poors website.

 As for the risk free rate, it is safe to use 0.07% per year. You can obtain the beta and any market price you need from Yahoo Finance.

showing your calculations

The report should have a conclusion section where you state if Intel is overvalued or undervalued. 



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Finance Basics: Calculate the price of a company using the dividend
Reference No:- TGS01010761

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