
Calculate the pressure in the vessel

A 5 litre pressure vessel contains 200g of propane. Using the Peng Robinson EOS calculate the pressure in the vessel at 50oC. What state is the propane likely to be in?

100 g of propane is removed from the cylinder and is replaced with 100 g of ethane. Recalculate the pressure of the vessel at 50oC. Assume all binary interaction coefficients are zero.

Critical parameters and acentric values:

MW = 30.069
Pc = 707.79 psia
Tc = 32.27 oC
w = 0.0986
MW = 44.096
Pc = 616.41 psia
Tc = 96.67 oC

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Physics: Calculate the pressure in the vessel
Reference No:- TGS0528955

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