Calculate the predetermined variable and ?xed overhead rates


(Predetermined OH rates; flexible budget; capacity) Battle Creek Storage Systems budgeted the following factory overhead costs for the upcoming year to help calculate variable and ?xed predetermined overhead rates.

Indirect material: $2.50 per unit produced
Indirect labor: $3.00 per unit produced
Factory utilities: $3,000 plus $0.02 per unit produced

Factory machine maintenance: $10,000 plus $0.50 per unit produced Material handling charges: $8,000 plus $0.12 per unit produced Machine depreciation: $0.03 per unit produced

Building rent: $12,000
Supervisors' salaries: $72,000
Factory insurance: $6,000

The company produces only one type of product that has a theoretical capacity of 100,000 units of production during the year. Practical capacity is 80 percent of theoretical, and normal capacity is 90 percent of practical. The company's expected production for the upcoming year is 70,000 units.

a. Prepare a ?exible budget for the company using each level of capacity.

b. Calculate the predetermined variable and ?xed overhead rates for each capacity measure (round to the nearest cent when necessary).

c. The company decides to apply overhead to products using expected capacity as the budgeted level of activity. The ?rm actually produces 70,000 units during the year. All actual costs are as budgeted.

1. Prepare journal entries to record the incurrence of actual overhead costs and to apply overhead to production. Assume cash is paid for costs when appropriate.

2. What is the amount of under applied or over applied ?xed overhead at year- end?

d. Which measure of capacity would be of most bene?t to management and why?

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Accounting Basics: Calculate the predetermined variable and ?xed overhead rates
Reference No:- TGS02051498

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