The data for a failed wheel pinion from the tin dredge are given as in the following:
Spur gear, 20° pressure angle
No. of teeth (T) = 25, mating on 152 teeth
Speed (N) = 28.73 rpm
Pitch diameter (d) = 27.852
Face width (b) = 16″
Motor power = 1000 hp
Material = BS 592 Grade C
Transmitted tangential load (Ft) = 35.16 T = 78,758 lb
Diametral pitch (P) = 25 = 0.8976 tooth/in diameter 27.852
Pitch line velocity (vP ) = πNd = 209.49 ft/min
Calculate the pinion wear surface durability and fatigue strength by using the BS 436 and AGMA standards and give comments from the calculated values.