The patient José Pérez Pérez, 53 years of age, is received in which he visits the clinic due to generalized weakness. The patient presents the following vital signs: PA 90/60 mm/Hg, P 58 bpm, T 36.6 degrees Celcius, R 16 and Sat: 98%. Patient weighing 45 kg and measuring 1.68 m. Patient refers: "I have a weakness that I don't feel like doing anything and sometimes I get dizzy". When carrying out the screening and clinical history of the patient, a bad behavior in their diet is observed. Relative of the patient indicates that he suffers from type I diabetes in which he does not have a balanced diet and is only consuming one meal a day.
1) Calculate the patient's body mass index (BMI). Use the formula taught in Module I.
2) Analyze the result: Is this the normal weight for his height? Explain your answer.
3) What laboratory tests would be ideal for this patient to assess their nutrition?
4) What is the importance of knowing the weight and body mass standards when guiding the patient?