Practice Death Rate Calculations
The graph shows some imaginary mortality statistics for several countries. For the sake of simplicity, the age-dependence of mortality is reduced to just two groups:
young people age 40 and below
older people age 41 and above.
Mortality (per 100) in Old Group
Mortality (per 100) in Young Group
A(Old=5, Y=4)
B(Old=7, Y=9)
C(Old=2, Y=8)
D(Old=9, Y=3)
1. Calculate the overall mortality rate (per 1000) in each country. Assume that the populations are as follows:
Country Old Young
A 200 800
B 100 900
C 600 400
D 400 100
2. Calculate an age-adjusted mortality rate for each country. Take this as the standard population
Country Old Young
Standard Pop. 400 600