
Calculate the nod and thod of a waste containing 25 mgl of

Organic carbon (C) and ammonia nitrogen (NH3) are oxidized to carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrate (NO3-) respectively, by bacteria that are naturally present in wastewater and in natural systems such as lakes and rivers. Both of these reactions consume oxygen and may cause a negative impact on water quality. The amount of oxygen theoretically required to consume a carbonaceous (ThOD) or nitrogenous (NOD) waste may be calculated according to the stoichiometry of the reactions as outlined in this chapter. The production of coke, a fuel produced from coal for use in steel mills, generates a waste gram rich in ammonia, phenol, and naphthalene. Calculate the NOD and ThOD of a waste containing 25 mg/L of ammonia-nitrogen (NH3-N), 50 ing/L of phenol (C6H5OH). and 150 mg/L of naphthalene (C10H8). What is the total theoretical oxygen demand of the waste?

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Civil Engineering: Calculate the nod and thod of a waste containing 25 mgl of
Reference No:- TGS01655854

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