Figure below shows a prismatic beam under uniformly distributed load. Given that the Young's modulus for the beam is E = 70G Pa, Perform the inquired tasks: (K is the last two numbers of your SID)
- Calculate the moment of inertia for the beam.
- Use σ = My/l, where σ is the stress, M is the bending moment, y the distance from neutral axis and I is the moment of inertia. to find the maximum stress acting in the middle of the span.
- Use wmax = 5pl4/384EI, where p is the intensity of the distributed load and l is the span length, to calculate the maximum deflection at the center of the span.
- Use ANSYS to analyse the structure and find the maximum stress and deflection at the centre of the span.
- Compare the analytical and CAE results. Comment on the differences and the potential reasons for errors.
Cross- section of the beam