Assignment - Attempt all the Questions
Q1. Calculate the minimum amount of air required for a fuel having following composition by weight: Carbon 72.4%, Hydrogen 5.3%. Nitrogen 1.81%, Oxygen 8.5%, Moisture 7.2%, Sulphur 0.9% and Ash 3.9%.
Q2. Derive a Stoichiometric and low temperature modeling equation with a fuel represented as CαHβOγNδ and with CO2, H2O and N2 being products of combustion. Further write/extend this equation for six products of combustion.
Q3. Write everything you know about the formation of NOx. Also give your comments regarding switching over to Bharat Stage VI norms from Bharat Stage IV norms without meeting Bharat Stage V norms.
Q4. Explain the step wise procedure to understand the phenomenon of combustion and generation of pollutants using any software technique.
Q5. Discuss the reason of formation of at least five pollutants (except NOx) with a sketch. Also draw and explain SCR and DPF devices used in engines.