
Calculate the measures of central tendency


Make a 1,100 word paper addressing the topics below.

1. Calculate the measures of central tendency

2. Calculate the dispersion. Calculate the plus/minus 1,2, and 3 Sigma (standard deviation) ranges.

3. Display 3 different aspects of your descriptive statistical data using graphic and tabular techniques. Show at least 3 different graphs. Discuss if any of the 3 is preferred over others to address your research question.

4. Finally, make recommendations regarding your business research issue, problem or opportunity based on your findings. This recommendation should be in the form of a Power Point presentation to the stakeholders.

5. You need to assume that some of the stakeholders in the presentation room have not been exposed to some of your work. Therefore this has to be a comprehensive presentation covering from research proposal forward.

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Basic Statistics: Calculate the measures of central tendency
Reference No:- TGS01896991

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