Calculate the mean number of documents

Response to the following:


Please provide detailed and elaborate responses to the following questions. Your responses should include examples from the reading assignments, if possible. You may also utilize LIRN for your research. For concise APA formatting guidelines and LIRN guidelines, please visit the Academic Resource Center (ARC). Your answer to each question should be at least one page in length and utilize APA guidelines.

1. Many hospitals have systems in place and are now or will in the future face the task of determining which data in the previous system should be migrated or mapped to the new system. Look at this topic from both the health information management and information systems perspective. Select one or two systems, such as registration, admissions-discharges-transfers, billing, chart tracking, or release of information, and identify which data elements would need to be brought forward to a new system and why. Identify which data elements have long-term value for patient care and which data elements must be preserved and accessible but may not be actively used for patient care.

2. Using the data for Anywhere Health Care Facility, compute the measures of central tendency showing the formula, your work, and the answer.


Anywhere Health Care Facility


No. of Documents

No. of Boxes

Medical records












Clinical laboratory






Mean number of documents

Mean number of boxes

Median number of documents

Median number of boxes

Standard deviation (SD) for the number of documents

SD for the number of boxes

3. For each of the following scenarios, determine the type of research study design to be used.

Using patient records of women who were diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in 1960, determine whether they were exposed to smoking (personal or passive). Follow them forward and determine their incidence of lung cancer and their survival status.
Identify a group of children with leukemia that is currently in remission and follow them forward for 20 years to determine their risk of other cancers and their survival status.

Identify individuals with rheumatoid arthritis (cases) and individuals without rheumatoid arthritis (controls). Interview both cases and controls to determine their past and present diets and specific foods most frequently eaten such as milk, fruit, and so forth.

Identify all cases of human immunodeficiency virus infection within a specific community.

Select a group of individuals with Alzheimer's disease. Randomize them into three groups-one group will be treated with drug A, one group will be treated with drug B, and the third group will be treated with a placebo. Follow all groups forward for the next 5 years to determine improvement/decline in the disease.

4. What kinds of things might happen if a user group and an information systems group worked for a few months on a new health record system without some clear project management?

5. How can baseline data collected at the beginning of a project help in the evaluation process?

6. List three reasons why the "go live" period is typically stressful.

7. We measure the standing heights of five basketball players and find that Thom is 203 cm tall; Ram is 204 cm tall; Malcolm is 201 cm tall; Joshua is 204 cm tall; and Sylvia is 202 cm tall. What kind of graph (not table) would we use to display this continuous data?

8. Why is it important to know whether a research article is from a peer-reviewed journal? Please provide an example.

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Basic Statistics: Calculate the mean number of documents
Reference No:- TGS01865092

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