
Calculate the maximum hourly and annual emission rates


As a continuation of our course project-A Permit By Rule (PBR) Application for an Interior Surface Coating Facility, complete the next section, "Operational Air Emission Rates," of your proposal by following the instructions carefully.


Review the calculations demonstrated and explained regarding emission rate calculations and "potential to emit" statistical model calculations for our scenario.

Make your work your heading-"Operational Air Emission Rates." Describe and demonstrate (illustrate) the calculations for the following for this section of your project:

(a) calculating maximum hourly and annual emission rates,

(b) emission rate averaged over a five-hour period, and

(c) potential to emit.

You are required to describe and demonstrate the "Operational Air Emission Rates" in a minimum one-page, double-spaced document.


Godish, T., Davis, W. T., & Fu, J. S. (2015). Air quality (5th ed.). Boca Raton

Surface Coating Facilities- A Guide for Obtaining Air Authorization in Texas


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Other Subject: Calculate the maximum hourly and annual emission rates
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