
Calculate the mad and mse for all of your forecasts

Needs assistance in developing forecasts.

Question 1: Develop forecasts for periods 6 through 24 using MA with 3 periods, 4 periods, and 5 periods

Question 2: Calculate the MAD and MSE for all of your forecasts. Start MAD and MSE calculations for moving averages in period 6. Start MAD and MSE calculations for exponential smoothing in period 5. Start MAD and MSE calculations for Weighted Averages in period 5.

The chart of period and actual quantity are attach to perform calculations.

Period Actual Quantity Forecast Error
1 429
2 222
3 276
4 167
5 266
6 305
7 430
8 415
9 388
10 368
11 220
12 457
13 267
14 277
15 242
16 590
17 147
18 566
19 267
20 361
21 338
22 351
23 217

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Other Management: Calculate the mad and mse for all of your forecasts
Reference No:- TGS02003028

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