
Calculate the input impedance of the antenna

1. A thin cylindrical dipole antenna of radius a and length 1.65l is driven by a time harmonic gap voltage V0. Develop a computer program to solve the Pocklington integral equation for the unknown antenna current distribution I(z) using the method of moments. Given: a=0.0001m , l=0.5m, V0=100V. Use the magnetic frill generator as the source model assuming an input impedance of the ideal 1.65l antenna. Assume the gap is d=1mm. Include the following in your answer:

a. An investigation of the element density required for adequate coverage of the numerical solution.

b. Plot the current distribution along the antenna.

c. Calculate the input impedance of the antenna and compare with the assumed impedance.

d. Now suppose that we are free to change the thickness of the antenna, keeping all other parameters constant. Show how the current in the antenna changes as a is changed from a=0.0001m, to a=0.005m. Compare the current along the antenna by plotting the results for the various thicknesses on a single plot. Calculate the input impedance in each case. Comment on the results.

e. Plot the input impedance as a function of antenna thickness for radii from 0.01mm to 5mm

e. Assume a=0.01mm and the gap is varied. Calculate the current distribution for a gap equal to d=0.01mm, d=0.1mm, d=0.5mm, and d=5mm. Compare the current along the antenna by plotting the results for the various gaps on a single plot. Calculate the antenna input impedance in each case.

f. Plot the antenna input impedance as a function of gap for gap values from 1mm to 100 mm.

2. The same antenna as in (1) is given. Use the Hallen equation and the delta gap generator and repeat the calculations. Compare the results between the two models.

3. In each case defined above, calculate the radiated power of the antenna. Radiated power can be done numerically.

4. In each case defined above, calculate the radiation pattern in the E-plane. Plot the patterns and compare.

5. Discuss the results in comparison with an ideal equivalent antenna

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Science: Calculate the input impedance of the antenna
Reference No:- TGS0536231

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