1. Calculate the inductance of a coil that induces 120V when the current through it changes at a rate of SA/s.
2. Calculate the inductance of a coil that induces 850V when the current through it changes at a rate of 30mA in 2ps.
3. Given an iron core with 200 turns, a length of 0.35m and an area of 3x104m2, determine the inductance.
4. A 10:1 transformer has Np = 300, Vp = 240V and Ip = 2A.Determine Ns, Vs, and I.
5. Four inductors of values 6mH, 7mH, 9mH, and 10mH are connected in series.Determine the total inductance.
6. Four inductors of values 6m1-1, 7mH, 9mH, and 10mH are connected in parallel.Determine the total equivalent inductance.
7. Calculate the energy store in a 20mH inductor with a current of 3mA flowing through it
8. For the circuits below, solve for the following:
1. RT
2. IT (pk), IT (P-13), IT (rms), IT (avg)
3. Voltage drops across all individual resistors
1. VR1 (Pk), VR1 (p-p), VR1 (rms), VR1 (avg)
2. VR2 (pk), VR2 (p-p), VR2 (rms), VR2 (avg)
3. VR3 (pk), VR3 (p-p), VR3 (rms), VR3 (avg)
4. Period of the source VT
5. Capture screen-shot of VR1 (p-p), VR2 WI* VR2 (p-p). Use Tektronix Oscilloscope in MultiSIM.

10. For a fixed frequency of f= 500Hz and the values of C below, determine Xc:
a. C = 1.0uF Xc = ?
b. C = 0.5uF Xc = ?
c. C = 0.2uF Xc = ?
d. C = 0.1uF Xc= ?
11. Determine the following:
e. Xct for two capacitors in series with the values Xc1 = 200ohms and Xc2 = 800ohms
f. XcEQ for three capacitors in parallel with the values
Xc1 = 200ohms, Xc2 = 800ohms and Xc3 =1000ohms
12. For the circuits below, determine CEQ? and CT respectively:

9. For the circuit below, determine the following (express all answers in phasor form). No work equals no points. Include screenshot from MultiSIM for Single Frequency AC Analysis to confirm your calculations.
- Xc
- ZT
- IT
- VR1
- VC1

13. Given an iron core with 500 turns, a length of 0.50m and an area of 2x10-4 m2, determine the inductance.
14. A 20:1 transformer has Np = 200, Vp = 220V and b = 4A. Determine N5, V5, and I.
15. Four inductors of values 5mH, 9mH, 15mH, and 17mH are connected in series. Determine the total inductance.
16. Four inductors of values 5mH, 9mH, 15mH, and 17mH are connected in parallel. Determine the total equivalent inductance.
17. Calculate the energy store in a 15mH inductor with a current of 5mA flowing through it.