
Calculate the hp which can be expected if the speed and

An eight-cylinder, four-stroke diesel engine of 229 mm bore. 304 mm stroke, and compression ratio 14/1, has an output of 375 kW at 750 reviling. The volumetric efficiency is 78%, the mechanical efficiency is 90%. and the air-fuel ratio is 25/I. If the impel for the pumping loop is 0.345 bar, calculate the impel for the working loop. The engine is now fitted with an exhaust-driven turbo-blower which delivers air to the cylinders at 1.43 bar. The compression ratio is reduced to 13/I and the measured volumetric efficiency is 102%. It can he assumed that the exhaust pressure remains constant and equal to 1.011 bar, and that the imp of the main loop ts directly proportional to the mass of air induced. Calculate the hp which can be expected if the speed and mechanical efficiency remain the same. Compare the specific fuel consumption for the outcastes. if the air-fuel ratio for the supercharged engine is Mt, I. The air conditions are 1.013 hat and 15°C.

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Mechanical Engineering: Calculate the hp which can be expected if the speed and
Reference No:- TGS01557451

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