
Calculate the heat loss from the walls, doors, windows

Problem: Calculate the energy usage for a modest 2000 sf home in Bloomington. The specifications for the house are:

  • Area: 2000 square feet
  • Dimensions: 36' x 55'
  • Doors: 3 - one in front and two in back
  • Windows: 6 on the front, 1 on each side, and 4 on the back
  • Ceiling height: 10ft

Use the R values from the video for the walls, doors, and windows. Assume that the ceiling has a layer of R-19 insulation. You can assume the house has one air exchange every two hours to account for heat loss by infiltration. You can ignore heat loss by convection and radiation.

Calculate the heat loss from the walls, doors, windows, ceiling, and air infiltration assuming a -10 F. Make sure you clearly show your calculations for each source of heat loss. Also, calculate the hearing power you will need to keep the house at a comfortable 70 F on the coldest day.

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Other Subject: Calculate the heat loss from the walls, doors, windows
Reference No:- TGS03369898

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