Hardness in water is the sum of divalent cations which is equal to Ca2+ and Mg2+. Hardness is expressed as mg/L of CaCO3. Soft water has hardness less than about 60 mg/L of CaCO3; moderately hard water 75-150, and hard water 150-300, very hard water > 300. Total Permanent Hardness = Calcium Hardness + Magnesium Hardness
The ratio of molar masses are:
MCaCO3 = 100.1 = 2.5 MCaCO3 = 100.1 = 4.1
MCa 40.1 MMg 24.3
Total permanent water hardness expressed as equivalent CaCO3 can be calculated with the following formula:
[CaCO3] = 2.5 [Ca2+] + 4.1 [Mg2+]
Calculate the hardness of water for the following two situations and tell me if it is hard or soft water.
a. Mg2+ = 5 mg/L ; Ca2+= 15 mg/L
b. Mg2+ = 10 mg/L ; Ca2+= 50 mg/L