
Calculate the gibbs energy of mixing for these compositions

Question - The SnO2 -TiO2 system shows complete solid solution at high temperatures and solvus at lower temperatures. Thermodynamics data indicate that the value of WH is 28.3kJ/mol in the expression for enthalpy of mixing Hmix = xs xT WH, where xs is the mole fraction SnO2 and xT is the molefraction TiO2.

1. Culculate Hmix at xs =0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7 , 0.9 and 1 and plot your values on a graph of Hmix against composition?

2. Calculate the entropy of mixing  at the same compositions and add a curve for -Smix to your graph  [Smix = -R[xsIn xs+ xT In xT] for random mixing of Sn and Ti on their sites].

3. Calculate the gibbs energy of mixing for these compositions at temperatures T of 1550 degrees celucis, 1300 degrees celcous and 1000 degrees celcious .make another graph of these values?

4. From this graph, estimate the compositions of the co-exisisting phases in the two-phase region and hence plot the solvus on a binary phase diagram?

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Chemistry: Calculate the gibbs energy of mixing for these compositions
Reference No:- TGS02504810

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