a) Two generators with ratings 100 MW and 300 MW operate at 50Hz frequency. Thesystem load increases by 100 MW when both the generators are operating at abouthalf of their capacity. The frequency then falls to49.5Hz. Ifthe generators are to share the increased load in proportion to their ratingswhat should be the individual regulations? What should be regulations if expressedin per unit megawatt?
b)A 100 MVA synchronous generator operates initially at 3000rpm,50Hz. A 25 MWload is suddenly applied to the machine and the steam valve to theturbine opensonly after 0.5 sec due to the time lag in the generator action. Calculate the frequencyto which the generated voltage drops before the steam flowcommences toincrease to meet the new load. The value of the stored energy forthe machine is5kW-sec per KVA of generator energy. Also calculate the value of Hconstant forthe generator.