1. Describe the composition of your corporation's contributed capital [Hint: contributed capital includes common and preferred stock plus any paid in capital in excess of par (or stated value)].
2. Describe any other accounts reported in the Stockholder's Equity section of the Balance Sheet.
3. Discuss Treasury Stock transactions during the current year, if any.
Category: Retained Earnings
1. Use the following equation and show how the Retained Earnings account has changed during the year. [Hint: the beginning balance of Retained Earnings is also equal to the ending balance of Retained Earnings in the prior year.]
Retained earnings, beginning balance
+ Net Income
- Dividends
= Retained earnings, ending balance
[Note: if the Statement of Stockholder's Equity shows other accounts in the computation of Retained Earnings, please ask the professor for guidance]
Category: Analysis
1. Calculate the following ratios for the most current year and comment on the results of your ratio analysis.
a. Return on stockholder's equity
b. Earnings per share
Note: This is a reminder that you have to provide responses for all three ratios here as they are all part of the same question. Also, you need to comment specifically but briefly on the results of each ratio.