
Calculate the first order of magnitude of the energy levels

In particle physics, a particle with mass, m, is always in a motion state within a predefined dimension, a. This means that the particle is always in a motion state even if it is in a kinetically static condition. The state 1 (minimum) energy level can be described as:

E1 = (Π2h-2)/2ma2,

where h- is the plank coefficient.

(a) Calculate the first order of magnitude of the energy levels in atoms and in nuclei using this concept. Use 10-10 m for the dimension of the atom and 10-15 m for the dimension of the nucleus.

(b) Compared to a free particle, what is the relationship in their energy transfer mechanism?

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Other Engineering: Calculate the first order of magnitude of the energy levels
Reference No:- TGS01243211

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