
Calculate the energy and velocity of the a-particle -

Recently, a new element has been isolated, temporarily named Ununseptium, with atomic number 117. The longest-lived isotope obtained so far is 294Uus with an atomic mass of 294.2105 ± 0.0007u.

294Uus is unstable, and decays rapidly into other atomic species. One possible decay route is via emission of an a-particle (a Helium nucleus, mass mα = 4.0001u) to form element 115 (Uup), with atomic mass mp = 290.1959u. Assume that the initial kinetic energy of the 29SUus atom can be neglected, so that the atom is approximately stationary in the lab frame.

(h) Conservation of total energy before and after the collision implies Es = Eα + Ep

where Eα is the energy of the a particle, and Ep is the energy of the Uup atom. Similarly, conservation of total momentum before and after the collision implies

0 = pα + Pp

Using these formulas, prove that the final energy of the a-particle is given by

Eα = -ms2 mα2 mp2/ 2ms c2

Hint: Solve for Ep, and use the mass-energy relation E2 = c2p2 +m2c4

(i) Hence calculate the energy and velocity of the a-particle.

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Physics: Calculate the energy and velocity of the a-particle -
Reference No:- TGS0767092

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