
Calculate the ecological footprint


Environmental Footprint

The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with an opportunity to learn more about how connected you are to the ecosystems and biosphere that you inhabit. You will learn how your everyday choices impact our environment. Most importantly, you will learn about the benefits of joining the increasing number of people who are making choices that reduce their environmental impact.

First, calculate your ecological footprint (If you are having difficulty getting any of the proper information from the calculator, you may need to try a different web browser. For instance, if you are using Google Chrome, you may need to use Internet Explorer, Safari, Mozilla, etc. If you are using one of these and are experiencing difficulties, you may need to try Google Chrome, etc.).

· Use the Footprint Calculator to measure your ecological footprint and learn "how many Earths" it takes to support your lifestyle. Be sure to choose the "detailed response" option for each question.

· Answer each question in the quiz honestly and record your answers and results in the Environmental Footprint Reporting form Preview the document View in a new window.

Second, calculate your household carbon emissions.

· Use the Household Carbon Footprint Calculator to measure your carbon emissions and determine your environmental impact and the benefits of solutions.

o Section 1: Estimate your current total household emissions (from home energy use, vehicle use, waste).

o Section 2: Explore actions you can take to reduce your greenhouse gas emissions, energy use, and waste disposal costs.

o Section 3: See how much you can save (in dollars and emissions) by taking the actions you chose in Section 2.

· Answer each question in the quiz honestly and record your answers and results in the Environmental Footprint Reporting Form.


1. Based on your findings from the ecological footprint calculator, how many Earths would be needed to support the global population if everyone lived your same lifestyle? Over time how would that lifestyle, if adopted by everyone, result in damage to the Earth's 1) climate; 2) biodiversity; and 3) economic security?

2. Based on your findings from the ecological footprint calculator, what are the 3 everyday products and practices that contribute most to your environmental footprint?

3. Based on the information from the reduce emissions section of the household emissions calculator, name at least 2 actions that you can take to limit your carbon emissions? Include in your answer the exact dollar savings and the weight of carbon dioxide that could be saved (from the calculator results) for each of these two actions.

4. What do you think would happen to your quality of life if you reduced your ecological footprint? What are some specific examples of ways you might enhance your quality of life while still reducing your environmental impact?

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Other Subject: Calculate the ecological footprint
Reference No:- TGS01971426

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